Bronze plastic
1968, Darzhanitsa village. Bronze figure
Aphrodite (Venus) Pudica – the statuette
represents a naked body curving to the
right. It is placed on a circular base, the right
hand reaches for some object, and the
left conceals the nudity. The hair is gathered in a
bun at the back of the head. Not a good
modelling, possibly a defective copy made in a
local workshop. Dating – 1st, 2nd century.
Bronze plastic
1955, ancient city of Raciaria near the
village of Archar, Kaleto area. Bronze plastic.
ank opening and a closed wick channel. A plate with
a ring is soldered to the handle. There
are two more rings on the periphery.
Dating 1st century Nikolai Kazashki, Svetoslava
Clay plastic
1970, unknown location from Vidin region. Terracotta plastic.
erracotta – bust of a woman on a profiled stand on which
the bust is placed. The hair is pulled back in a braid, there is
a necklace around the neck. The garment is draped,
the right breast exposed.