094/601 707


3700 Vidin

13 “Tsar Simeon The Great” str.

Bronze plastic

holds a purse, and in 1964, the ancient city of Raciaria near the village of Archar

Hermes (Mercury) – the god is
represented in his youth with a dense outer
garment (penula) slung over his shoulder and
a petasos on his head. In his right hand he the left was the caduceus. It is dated 1, 2 c., Bronze figure. local Upper Mysian atelier.

Bronze plastic

1970, ancient city of Ratsiaria near the
village of Archar. Bronze application.

Jupiter Ammon – represented with a long and
luxuriant beard, from which protrude the characteristic
sheep’s ears and curled horns. The hair is
covered by a narrow decorated diadem,
the eyes are inlaid with silver. In the Roman
pantheon, the Egyptian god Amun syncretized
with Jupiter, dating – the end of the
2nd century.

Bronze plastic

1959, ancient city of Ratsiaria near the
village of Archar. Bronze application.

Pan’s mask represented with a large fleshy face,
broad nose, puffy eyes and wrinkled forehead, with
short horns and pointed ears. Ruler of mirth and
wine, son of Hermes and Dryopa. Probable
dating 2nd c.