Bronze sculpture

1944, unknown location from Vidin region. Bronze figure.
Aphrodite (Venus) – only the left half of the body is preserved. The goddess is represented in a crouched position, bent forward and downward. Iconographically, it is associated with two subjects – Aphrodite bathing and Aphrodite tying her sandal. The composition is widespread in the eastern Mediterranean. Rarely found on the territory of Bulgaria, probably imported.
Bronze sculpture

1968, the ancient city of Bononia. Bronze figure.
Antaeus and Heracles (Hercules) – the statuary group depicts the fight between Heracles and Antaeus. The moment when Heracles will separate his opponent from the ground is represented. Antaeus’ head is missing – it has been broken off. The toes of the left foot are stuck in the ground, and the right one is already lifeless. Antaeus’ body rests on top of Heracles. Dating 2.3 c.
Bronze sculpture

1964, ancient city of Ratsiaria near the village of Archar. Bronze figure.
Hermes (Mercury) – the god is represented in his youth with a dense outer garment (penula) slung over his shoulder and a petasos on his head. In his right hand he holds a purse, and in his left was the caduceus. It is dated 1st, 2nd century, local Upper Mysian workshop.
Bronze sculpture

1963, ancient city of Bononia, town of Kaleto. Bronze figure.
Eros (Amur, Cupid) – represented in a fast run with outstretched wings, a short chiton flutters on both sides of his thighs. In his left hand he holds an object with a round handle. 2c. BC, local production.
Bronze sculpture

1963, Darzhanitsa village. Bronze figure.
Eros (Cupid) Harpocrates and Psyche – he is represented running with his mouth half open from fatigue and wide eyes. The wings are retracted, short and sketchy. The god is represented as an infant, holding a bird by the wings in his right hand and probably carrying a lighted torch in his left. The image of the bird symbolizes both the soul of the deceased and Psyche – the wife of Eros condemned to never see him. Local production – 2.3 c.
Bronze sculpture

1973, land in the village of Topolovets. Bronze figure.
Hermes (Mercury) – the god is represented as a child with a petasos on his head. In his right hand he carries a purse, and in his left was probably the caduceus. The face has childlike rounded sides, round pensive eyes and a small mouth with thick hair covering the forehead.
Stone sculpture

1973, land in the village of Darzhanitsa. Bronze figure.
Eagle of coarse-grained sandstone. The bird is depicted with half-folded landing wings, large eyes, stylized deep cut and arranged feathers. The eagle is a symbol of power, immortality and cosmogony – one of the most revered animals. The pose of the eagle indicates that it is part of a large sculptural composition produced during the Roman era in a local workshop.
Stone sculpture

1986, Yasen village. Marble composition.
Jupiter Dolichen – standing on the back of a bull. Only the legs have been preserved from Dolichen – the left one up to the ankle, and the right one shod in a short knee-high boot. Taurus is distinguished by precision and grace. His head is turned to the right and bent downwards, the left foot resting on a plinth.
Stone sculpture

1955, Yasen village, Unio Alba area. Marble votive plaque.
Votive tablet of Mithras – divided into two relief fields. The one above depicts the killing of the bull (tauroctony). Mithras is dressed in a short girdled chiton, on his head he wears a Phrygian cap. The scene depicts a dog, a snake, a raven and the dadophors with torches and gags in their hands – Luna and Sol. In the lower field, three scenes from the life of Mithras are represented – the initiation, the sacred feast and the apotheosis. Widest spread of the cult in the Danube lands – 2.3 c.