Earthen vessel
2015, Baley village, clay pot
clay pot, urn from the necropolis with
cremation from KBE and SBE from the culture of inlaid
ceramics. The vessel is unadorned with a long mouth and
four handles. The vessel is from the Late Bronze Age.
Clay plastic
1970, unknown location from Vidin region. Terracotta
An eagle figure in beige red purified clay, representing an
eagle with outstretched wings and head facing right.
The front of the figure is decorated with incised features.
Nikolay Kazashki, Svetoslava Petrova
Clay pot
1962, Archar village. Ceramic cup.
with a tall, narrow seat, shaped in relief as a human head.
The image is poetic, strongly expressed eyebrows,
nose and mouth. Nikolay Kazashki, Svetoslava
Nikolay Kazashki, Svetoslava Petrova